Sunday, October 4, 2009

And we're off...

I am pleased to announce the official launch of my website. Yay!

Take a look now!

I am super excited about what is to come with this launch. All week long on the blog there will be exciting giveaways. You won’t want to miss out. There will also be new features on the blog. design challenges. and blabs. will be weakly posts. I can’t wait to share all the new products with you.

Let’s get this baby going full force with the first giveaway.

A pack of 10 custom designed note cards. ($15 value)

Here’s a sample.

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Entering is super easy. Follow me on this blog and enter a comment on this post. Let me know what you would use your note cards for if you win. Winners will be chosen at random, using But hurry you have until midnight Tuesday October 6th to enter.
Don’t forget to add me to your reader so you won’t miss out on all the fabulous things going on at An Occasional Design.


  1. I would use them around the office for notes to everyone so they can see what a good job my bestie does!! :D ***wink wink***

  2. I'm following your blog and hmmmm....I would use the note cards for...sending random happy notes to people and not telling them it was from me.

  3. I just washed my hair and ate dinner
