Wednesday, September 17, 2008

David Carson

I have to write a paper on an Graphic Artist for my design class. The professor suggested David Carson because he (the profesor) seems to be fascinated with typograhy. So I looked him up and found him to be intriguing and I wrote my paper on it. Plus I just had to after seeing he designed the album cover for Bush's Sixteen Stone. The assignment was to have a photo on the cover but of couse I couldn't just put one in the center and be all boring like that. I had to show off my skills in David Carson type fashion! lol. So this is what I came up with. Let me know what you think. The paper is due tomorrow.

You will not find Times New Roman and Arial fonts, as you will in this paper, in the works of David Carson. David Carson is known for his experimental fonts that appeared inverted, spread out, mixed, overlaid, blurred and even stuffed into inclined boxes. A professional surfer in the 1970’s and 1980’s, David first shocked the graphic design community in the 1990’s.
Carson started to experiment with graphic design in 1983 and by 1989 he had developed his own style using “dirty” type and non-mainstream photography, even being dubbed as “the father of grunge.” He went on to become the art director of Transworld Skateboarding and Beach Culture. But it was not until he launched Ray Gun, a magazine of international standards which had music and lifestyle as its subject, that he became well-known. In 1995, he started his own studio called David Carson Design in New York City and attracted major clients such as Pepsi, Ray Ban, Nike, Busweiser and Giorgio Armani. He also published his first book, End of Point. In 2000, Carson opened another studio in Charleston South Carolina. He also designed a special edition of Surfer Magazine and directed a TV comercial for UMPQUA Bank in Seattle, Washington.
David Carson is largely responsible for making the use of new school typography and photography based graphic design. He does not follow the “traditional” standard of the industry. His work appears scattered and saturated but manages to communicate both the idea and feeling behind the design.



  2. haha. See I knew I posted this for a reason. Good proof readers! Spell checker apparently has heard of Busweiser. lol.
