Tuesday, February 2, 2010

the meetup. february.


Dear January,

Where did you go? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that you are gone. Quite frankly, your coldness hurts my bones. However, your quick departure has left me scrambling to get my goals done so I don't look like a slacker. So I blame you January. It's all your fault. I accept no responsibility. Maybe February will be nicer to me.


January goals:

1. Finish wedding paper suite and send to printer.-- almost done.
2. Design the rest of wedding marketing packet, print and assemble.--just plain failed on that one.
3. Get some sort of shop going.-- Still on the fence on this one. I know I talked about CafePress but I'm just not sure I want to take this on.
4. Make a Facebook fan page.-- done! Are you a fan?
5. Update website.-- hmmm nope. But I have been thinking about how I want to structure it.
6. Small Business Marketing.-- Brochure is half designed in my head. Does that count?
7. Work on a project that I am super excited about but I'm keeping my mouth shut at the moment until things progress!-- THE BALL IS ROLLLLLLING!!! But it's still a secret.

Dear February,

I know your stay is always short but I'm counting on you to be sweet to me. After all you do host Valentine's Day.


February goals:

1. Finish wedding paper suite and send to printer.
2. Brochures-- wedding and small business.
3. Website update.
4. Plan out sample books.

There you have it folks. I'm officially a slacker and going to work on the same things I have been working on for the last couple of months. In my defense, I did have a super busy month in other areas.

If your interested in learning more about The Meetup visit Athena Dreams for more details.

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  1. good luck for your feb goals - its great to keep things rolling even if its not 100% just yet, there's still progress! hope you have a great feb :)

  2. I just want to know what this secret project is all about! Have a happy and productive February Amanda, and us slackers, we rock too!

  3. At least you *thought* about all of January's goals last month. That counts for something!

    I'm excited to eventually hear more about the top secret project! I'm working on a top secret plan of my own. Isn't it exciting?

    Good luck this month!

  4. Good luck this month! I know some of my other wedding-designy friends think of February as a the perfect month you get the word out for June & September weddings.


  5. I'm also excited about this secret project :D lol my own secret project has fallen by the wayside lately.

    good luck in February!

  6. Thinking is doing too. Don't under estimate the hard work of day dreaming :)

  7. The best thing about these monthly goals is that you get to start all over the next month so don't feel like you were a slacker. Good luck on your goals this month & take care! `=O)

  8. Oh wow! Thank's for all the encouragement. And I promise you the top secret project will be worth the wait. :)

  9. Ooh! How exciting - a top secret project! And I'm totally with you on blaming the month for hindering progress! ';-) Good luck!

  10. Can't wait to hear about the secret project! Best of luck in Feb!

  11. I like your letters to the months -- made me laugh. Hope February IS sweet to you!

  12. oohh... secret project... I'm excited to hear about it!

    Good luck in February! :)
